L&S Hair Designs and Extensions

Project Description

WordPress Customization & Design, Custom App Design, Facebook Page Design & Marketing, Custom Facebook App Creation, Promotional & Marketing, Logo development.

I am a satisfied customer. She was very professional and patient. Her marketing ideas were not only helpful but also profitable for my business. She used her vivid imagination and skills to help develop my brand.

Thank you Sharee!

Shirilyn Dykes

Co-Owner , L&S Hair Designs & Extensions

Project Details

Client Shirilyn Dykes Date Date of Completion Skills Branding, Custom Web Design,Wordpress Platform, CSS, Graphic Design, Facebook Page Development and Marketing View Project click here


Facebook Timeline Cover

Shirilyn was in need of an overhaul of her Facebook page. I designed a timeline cover as well as customized Facebook apps.

NOTE: This Facebook page is no longer maintained nor managed by Sharee Cammon or Creative Call Marketing, LLC

Promotional Flyer

L&S Hair Designs & Extensions was looking for a way to bring in more clients. We ran a few promotional for the business using Facebook as the main median. Worked like a charm!

NOTE: This Facebook page and website is no longer maintained nor managed by Sharee Cammon or Creative Call Marketing, LLC

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